The “Proyecto Tauromaquia de la UNESCO”, (UNESCO Bullfighting Project)
The Asociación Internacional de Tauromaquia, or AIT ( the International Bullfighting Organisation) has been trying its hardest for bullfighting to be declared world heritage since as far back as 2005. Its original petition having been denied, the now worldwide bullfighting lobby association has focused its efforts on a renewed attempt to place bullfighting under the protection of the UNESCO through intensive work on the “Proyecto Tauromaquia de la UNESCO”.
These people have power and money, and they are dangerous. As their opponents, it is our duty to join forces and get organised to thwart their plans for bullfighting”.
Chronology of the bullfighting lobby’s activities:
On the occasion of its 32d meeting, held in Paris on 29 September 2003, the UNESCO staged a conference on the subject of the protection of immaterial cultural heritage.
The AIT, the International Bullfighting Organisation, was founded in Madrid in 2004.
On 27 January 2005, the AIT was listed on the register of organisations of the Spanish Home Office, the purpose of this being to achieve the permanent recognition of bullfighting as a cultural asset.
On 19 November, the Spanish Government’s involvement in the “Proyecto Tauromaquia de la UNESCO”, was requested. Even the daughter of the King of Spain and heiress to the throne, Cristina of Borbón, honorary president of the Spanish UNESCO commission was encouraged to become involved in the project.
In early 2006, all the necessary ratifications initially required in order to allow assessment by the UNESCO were filed. All the countries which practise bullfighting are members of the convention.
“Taurino” sources did not reveal where those ratifications were submitted, but we can assume that the project is yet to be submitted to the National UNESCO commission.
On 25 October 2006, a petition was filed in order to prompt all autonomous Spanish regions to individually request the admission of bullfighting as world cultural heritage.
In 2007, on the occasion of the Feria del Toro, the “Proyecto Tauromaquia de la UNESCO”, gave Taurinos a golden opportunity to network with Portuguese bullfighting advocates.
The Parliamentary Organisation for Bullfighting, the Asociación Taurina Parlamentaria (or ATP), was founded on 16 February 2007. This Spanish organisation includes both former and current representatives of the national assembly, members of the parliament, regional deputies and private individuals amongst its members. The ATP could potentially win the support of new parliamentarians from other countries for the project.
June 2008 saw a meeting with Portuguese parliamentarians, the outcome of which was the set up by Portugal of a Portuguese Parliamentary Bullfighting Organisation. This was deemed necessary in order to achieve a stronger advocation of bullfighting.
An international meeting of all parliamentary bullfighting supporters was held in Madrid in November 2008. Participating organisations from France, Spain and Portugal came to the following decisions:
„Under consideration of the cultural and artistic worth of bullfighting, we will do everything in our power in order to achieve its acceptance as a cultural heritage asset.“
2008 saw the founding of the Mesa del Toro organisation, its purpose likewise the advocation of the protection of bullfighting as world cultural heritage.
On 4 and 5 July 2008, bullfighting found its way into the European Parliament. An exhibition entitled “Entre hombre y toro” (“Between man and bull”) was held. Of course it was met with a counter-event by bullfighting opponents. Taurinos claim that this bullfighting exhibition was very well received by European parliamentarians, “…meaning that it stands a very good chance to be named UNESCO world cultural heritage.”
All the parties involved are focusing their energies on promoting and raising awareness of the project and making the most of the opportunity to gather new members amongst EU parliamentarians. In the meantime, the UNESCO bullfighting project has grown into a well organised and dangerous giant, on a worldwide level.
On 6 June 2009, an international meeting took place in the bullring auditorium of Las Ventas, in Madrid. The “Unión Latina” gave a speech on the topic of “Bullfighting: a cultural heritage asset”, with the support of the Junta de Andalucía. The “Mesa del Toro” organisation, jointly with the French bullfighting organisation, also agreed to provide their support.
The Unión Latina was founded in Madrid in 1954, for the purpose of promoting and obtaining the overall heritage and various identities of the Latin language across the whole of the Latin world. The number of members of this highly influential organisation has since grown to 35 states across 4 continents.
Source: AIT