14th Dezember 2009

Protest: Keine Stierkämpfe in China

Aus gegebenen Anlass, die Einführung der Stierkämpfe in China, anbei ein Protestbrief der portugisischen Tierrechtsorganisation:

Animal.org.pt :: No More Crimes Without Punishment :: ManifestoANIMAL.org

Beitrag zum Thema:
Exportschlager Grausamkeit


Please ask the Chinese Government and the Beijing City Officials to deny authorization to the introduction of bullfighting into China – which the bullfighting industry is again trying to make happen

This is not a first attempt, but it is certainly a stronger one. A part of the Spanish bullfighting industry, lead by the matador Manolo Sanchéz, is, according to several sources, including the Spanish newspaper EL MUNDO (26 November de 2009), trying to introduce bullfighting in China, a plan which incorporates building a permanent bullring in Huairo-Beijing. These bullfighting promoters intend to organise at least 16 bullfights per year in Beijing, between June and September of each year.

As the bullfighting industry is in crisis in Europe and in Latin America – where the last nine countries in the world which still allow bullfighting are located –, which is resulting in severe economic difficulties for this bloody industry, mainly due to the intensive and continuously growing social and political opposition that this sadistic activity is experiencing all over the world, namely and especially in the very countries where it is based, many bullfighting promoters have been trying to export bullfighting to places in the world – such as China – where these have never existed, as a desperate way to save this evil business.

Having said this, ANIMAL, from Portugal, in conjunction and co-operation with CAS International, from the Netherlands, and with the League Against Cruel Sports, from the United Kingdom, asks you to please join us in calling the Chinese Government and the Beijing City Officials to deny authorization to the introduction of any temporary or permanent bullfighting activity in Beijing or anywhere else in China.


Dear Mr. President,

According to recent newspaper articles (including EL MUNDO, 26 November 2009), Spanish bullfighting promoters, lead by bullfighter Manolo Sánchez, have signed an agreement with the Chinese Government and Beijing city officials to create a “ganadería” (a farm to breed bulls for bullfights in China) and a bullring in Huairo-Beijing.

The shipment of bulls to China is scheduled for January and the bullring is said to be built by October 2010 and inaugurated with the performance of two bullfights. From 2011, Manolo Sánchez intends to organise 16 bullfights a year in Beijing – four each month (in June, July, August and September of each year). Weiterlesen »

Protestschreiben, Adresslisten und Briefe, STIERKAMPF | 0 Kommentare

14th Dezember 2009


Offizieller Video-Clip der Skap Band PSICOSIS aus Lima / Peru über das Thema Tierbefreiung. Die im Clip verwendeten Bilder stammen aus der Dokumentation EARTHLINGS.

PSICOSIS sensibilisiert gegenüber einen der schwierigsten und unverstandensten Kämpfe der Menschlichkeit, der Verteidigung der Tiere, ihr Recht auf Leben und Freiheit, welches sich in Regel gewaltsam in den größten Holocaust des Planeten gegen jedes Tier verwandelt.

Die folgenden Bilder zeigen die grausame und traurige Wahrheit die diese Tier genannten Lebewesen Tag für Tag ertragen müssen, durch einen einzigen Schuldigen und ohne Zweifel den schlimmsten Folterknecht seiner Rasse, den Menschen.

Wir kämpfen für eine bessere Welt, für die Befreiung der Tiere.

Allgemein, VIDEOS | 4 Kommentare

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