28th Oktober 2010

USA: Geschmacklose Werbekampagne von Samsonite

Bitte unterstützen Sie die Kampagne von ICABS und fordern sie Samsonite auf, diese geschmacklose Art der Werbung einzustellen.

Dear Samsonite,

I am one of the majority of people opposed to bullfighting. This shameful activity causes unimaginable suffering to bulls – they are tortured and persecuted in bullrings, stabbed with lances and spears and killed with a sword through the heart.

I am disgusted that Samsonite has chosen to use a bullfighting theme in its latest advert for the Spinners suitcase. Matadors like the one depicted in the ad are responsible for the slow torture to death of thousands of bulls every year.

Please recognise how inappropriate it is to associate your product with bullfighting and drop this offensive advert immediately.

Thank you. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


575 West Street
Suite 110,
Mansfield, MA 02048
Phone: 800-765 2247 (USA)
Email: Questions@Samsonite.com


Offensichtlich ist geplant, dass CNN Airport Network dieses geschmacklose Video ausstrahlt, diesbezüglich wurde ebenfalls ein Protestschreiben verfasst.

Dear CNN Airport Network,

I am one of the majority opposed to bullfighting. I appeal to you not to screen the Samsonite ‚Bullfight‘ commercial which uses a bullfighting theme to promote a suitcase. I find this commercial highly offensive in that it presents a distorted, sanitised view of an activity which is one of the world’s worst acts of cruelty to animals. I fear that it may encourage holidaymakers to consider visiting a bullring when they arrive in a bullfighting country. Many unsuspecting tourists who visit bullrings leave shocked and upset at witnessing merciless violence and scenes of animal torture.

I hope CNN Airport Network will consider these points and reject the Samsonite commercial.

Thank you. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


Email: airportnetwork2@cnn.com
or via http://edition.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?28

Quelle und weitere Informationen: www.banbloodsports.com

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