Mexiko: Tausende von Tieren leben in den Städten, vergessen und ignoriert in einer Welt, in der die Routine und das hektische Stadtleben dazu führen, dass sie übersehen werden. Die Aktion soll die Gesellschaft dazu aufrufen, das Bewusstsein für diese Straßentiere zu erhöhen.
Produktion von Violeta Caro Pinda
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt und Ton von Felipe Carrasco Guzmán
Musik: Feeling von Ben Cocks
Allgemein, Tierschutz weltweit, VIDEOS |
“Die Frage ist nicht, ob sie denken können. Entscheidend ist, ob sie leiden können!” Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
The 21st of March is the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. We have chosen this day to continue spreading our message of animal liberation.
We are acting in unity with the UN’s intention for this day. The following excerpt is taken from their website:
„The theme for this year’s event is ‚Racism and Conflict,‘ highlighting the fact that racism and discrimination often are at the root of deadly conflict“
We at 269life ask: How does one claim to peacefully call for the end of racism while brutally murdering and oppressing other sentient beings?
How does one act against violent discrimination with a stomach coated with the bloody remains of non human infants and their mothers‘ stolen milk?
We believe that there cannot be peace, nor an end to human prejudice while our hands are wet with the blood of billions of innocent animals!
Speciesism IS Racism. Go vegan – Free 269
Join us in solidarity as we have the number 269 tattooed/branded on our bodies as a political statement in protest to the global animal holocaust.
This event is about committing ourselves for life to actions that dismantle the animal holocaust. We take this action in an attempt to move the animal liberation agenda to the forefront of the public conscience.
How and Where?
If you can, organize a group of willing tattooees and a reputable tattooist, and make it into an open-air public event. Invite the media to film it, prepare a media release (we will provide one) and post the event on YouTube. Before choosing a tattooist, do your homework and consult those with tattoos for firsthand recommendations. Please ask your tattooist to provide vegan inks, which are not derived from animal products.
In addition to still photos, please take some videos. Even mobile phone videos will do.
They will be added to our growing ‚269 for life‘ album, and be sent to news outlets. So please include info on the event (how many were inked ect)
Allgemein, Tierschutz weltweit, VIDEOS |